[lustre-announce] LAD'16 - Call for paper and registration is open!

Henri Doreau henri.doreau at cea.fr
Mon May 23 06:49:43 PDT 2016

*LAD'16 - Lustre Administrator and Developer Workshop*

*September 20th - 21st, 2016**
**Renaissance Paris Le Parc Trocadero Hotel, Paris - France*

EOFS and OpenSFS are happy to announce the 6th LAD will be held in
Paris, France, at Renaissance Trocadero Hotel.  This 2-day event, from
20th to 21st of September, 2016, will be a great opportunity for
worldwide Lustre administrators and developers to gather and exchange
their experiences, developments, tools, good practices and more.

We are waiting for your registration and presentation proposals!


We invite community members to send proposals for presentation.  Those
talks could cover, by example, tools, administration experiences,
configuration setup, developments, tunings, tweaking, ...  No proceeding
is required, just an abstract of a 30-min (technical) presentation.
Please send this to lad at eofs.eu before July 24th, 2016.

Registration for the workshop is now open:


On Tuesday evening, there will be a dinner at Restaurant Laperouse,
founded in 1766. A limited number of spouses can attend too (on a
first-come, first-served basis).

This event is organized thanks to the following generous sponsors:
Atos, CEA, Cray, DDN, Intel and Seagate

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