[Lustre-devel] Metadata Write Back Cache - review

Nikita Danilov Nikita.Danilov at Sun.COM
Tue Mar 11 08:55:28 PDT 2008

[I am duplicating this to lustre-rabbit-team at sun.com, because
lustre-devel at lists.lustre.org black-holed my previous attempt to
distribute this.]

Peter Braam writes:
 > Hi -


here is an update of HLD. Not all review points are addressed so far,
but I think it makes sense to release earlier.

 > I did a quick review of the HLD for the write back cache (which is
 > in-progress).  Here is the current state and my comments, also attached is
 > the HLD itself for convenience.

Q1. perceived benefits---lower latency, particularly on a wide area


Q2. order definitions alphabetically.


Q3. define file system object.


Q4. define epoch.


Q5. QAS is what?


Q6. add a requirement that "grants prevent unexpected ENOSPC

Recorded as "resource leasing" requirement.

Q7. add a requirement that recovery will lead to well defined results.

Recorded in "correctness" requirement.

Q8. incompleteness of functional specification.

In progress.

Q9. local sequentiality---for security should this include all preceding
    operations on any ancestors in the namespace as well?

Added "Security" sub-section in functional specification that addresses
additional ordering constraints for reintegration, not necessary for
basic file system consistency.

There is a nice symmetry:

    - together with any operation R relaxing permissions on a directory,
    an epoch has to include any operation that is a descendant of R (in
    a subtree order) and that was made earlier than R in the client
    global time;

    - together with any operation R an epoch has to include any
    operation that is an ascendant of R, that tightens permissions, and
    that was made later than R.

Q10. Doesn't writing out data independently also introduce a security

I think the simplest way to address this is to extend meta-data name space
tree to include data. Specifically, to every regular file (which is a leaf
node in the meta-data tree) graft "children" representing its stripe
sub-objects, and to every stripe sub-object graft children representing cached
data pages. Extension of reintegration ordering constraints to this tree
closes security holes for data. Added to "5.4 Data consistency".

Q11. To avoid ongoing negative lookups, how do you transfer full
directory content to the client? (use case: "make bzImage").

"Local lookups" sub-section added.

Q12. Versioning is very important. How are versions handled, how is a
partial reintegration completed? (the client needs to know the versions
to which the previous reintegration was applied perhaps?)

I would very much like to keep all details of recovery encapsulated in
the Epochs documentation. WBC design is already large and is going to be
much larger; separation of as much material as possible is the only way
I see to keep it manageable.

Speaking of versions, yes, I agree that every epoch has to be equipped
with a vector in versions for all objects updated by it.

Q13. What is changed in llite module, or are all changes below it?

Described in sub-section 6.2 of Logic specification. New functionality
is to be implemented below llite, but changes in the latter (and in
other layers too), are necessary to get rid of assumptions about
synchronous processing of meta-data RPCs.

Q14. This solution needs to work well on clients with many many CPUs and
eliminate disadvantages of a single threaded client.

Described in "7.2 Scalability": per-object logs with per-log locks should
improve scalability. On the other hand, with the current recovery mechanism we
are still limited to the maximum of 1 rpc in flight for meta-data; version
recovery should fix this.

Q15. All exported API's must be added to HLD in the functional

In progress.

Q16. Detailed recovery descriptions must be added; epochs is not the
only use case probably (e.g. networking can fail and come back).

In progress.

Q17. If you run out of memory locally, do you push out the changelog?


Q18. Note that there are many server interactions that do not require
writeout, such as a lookup or getting more fid sequences.

Clarify in 4.4.

 > This is mostly on track, but it is a very big project with many angles.
 > - Peter -

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