[lustre-devel] lustre design docs

Vitaly Fertman vitaly.fertman at seagate.com
Wed May 20 11:06:45 PDT 2015

Hi All,

there was an idea to publish existing design docs on opensfs wiki.
is centralised design repository interesting at all?

currently the existing designs are not in the wiki format, mostly pdf, so this is
not an ideal doc repository we want to have: not changeable, not maintainable,
could be outdated, etc, but could be published very quickly.

however, this is not the final step but just a beginning. at the same time, we may get
some benefits immediately:
- all the docs are gathered in one centralised place, faster doc search;
- the fully documented product (although maybe not very up-to-date initially) —
attractive for many readers, especially newbies;
- a quick jump to unknown code having a design, faster than reading the source code;

after that, having these docs already published, next steps could be:
- docs to be split on those which are to be maintained and left untouched;
- a procedure of converting to be maintained docs to wiki format could be organised; 
- a procedure of updating converted docs to be organised; 

would be valuable? thoughts?


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