[Lustre-discuss] Low performance of 64bit OSS

Lu Wang wanglu at ihep.ac.cn
Thu Dec 4 02:36:24 PST 2008

Dear list, 

    After upgrade our OSSs to  lustre-1.6.6-2.6.9_67.0.22.EL_lustre.1.6.6smp.x86_64, the phenomenon of frequent crash disappears. However, the two OSS provide low performance: 100MB/s read, and 200MB/s write. I/O wait on client nodes sometimes arrived more than 90%.  The OSSs server are attached with 10Gb/s Ethernet, and two 4Gb Express channel disk  arrays. Is it a problem caused by 32bit client and 64bit OSS server?

Lu Wang
Computing Center 
Insititute of High Energy Physics, China

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