[Lustre-discuss] I/O on cluster with lustre

Goranka Bilalbegovic gbilalbegovic at gmail.com
Thu Nov 26 11:40:08 PST 2009


Recently the cluster I am using for computing has been updated to the VMware
with the Lustre file system.  Cluster uses: Oscar 6.0.3,  Sun Grid Engine
6.2u3, Nagios, Ganglia, InfiniBand 10 Gb/s. Nodes access the file system
using Ethernet via the Lustre InfiniBand/Ethernet router.

I used to run one type of jobs as:
#$ -N name
#$ -o namesys.out
#$ -e namesys.err
#$ -pe mpi 2
#$ -cwd
mpirun -machinefile $TMPDIR/machines -np $NSLOTS /path/.../code.x << EOF

This is for an open source package (written in Fortran plus some C
utilities) and a such way of running was recommended by authors. It was
working on the previous version of the cluster, but it does not run on a new
lustre filesystem. It starts, but then stays in the queue forever.

Is it possible to run this type of jobs on lustre ?

Thank you.
Best wishes,
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