[Lustre-discuss] filesystem corruption

Brian J. Murrell Brian.Murrell at Sun.COM
Tue Sep 8 07:45:26 PDT 2009

On Mon, 2009-09-07 at 21:54 +1000, Richard Smith wrote:
> I'm not convinced there's any lie involved.

Well, whatever you want to call it... when the hardware tells the
software (Lustre) that something is on a platter, in order for Lustre to
work properly, it MUST be physically on the platter, or be able to make
it there in the face of other environmental issues, such as power
outages, etc. (i.e. this does allow for the battery-backed cache case,
so long as the batter cannot drain before the disk unit is powered back
up to receive the writes in the battery-backed cache).


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