[Lustre-discuss] LNET routing question

David Noriega tsk133 at my.utsa.edu
Mon Apr 4 13:32:20 PDT 2011

Reading up on LNET routing and have a question. Currently have nothing
special going on, simply specified tcp0(bond0) on the OSSs and MDS.
Same for all the clients as well, we have an internal network for our
cluster, 192.168.x.x.  How would I go about doing the following?

Data1,Data2 = OSS, Meta1,Meta2 = MDS.

Internally its 192.168.1.x for cluster nodes, 192.168.5.x for lustre nodes.

But I would like a 1) a 'forwarding' sever, which would be our file
server which exports lustre via samba/nfs to also be the outside
world's access point to lustre(outside world being the rest of the
campus). 2) a second internal network simply connecting the OSSs and
MDS to the backup client to do backups outside of the cluster network.

So would I do the following?

options lnet networks=tcp0(bond0),tcp1(eth3) routes="tcp2"

Backup client
options lnet networks=tcp1(eth1)

Cluster clients
options lnet networks=tcp0(eth0)

File Server
options lnet networks=tcp0(eth1),tcp2(eth2) forwarding="enabled"

And for any outside clients I would do the following?
options lnet networks=tcp2(eth0)

And when mounting from the outside I would use in /etc/fstab the external ip?
x.x.x.x at tcp2:/lustre /lustre lustre defaults,_netdev 0 0

Is this how it would work? Also can I do this piece-meal or does it
have to be done all at once?


Personally, I liked the university. They gave us money and facilities,
we didn't have to produce anything! You've never been out of college!
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sector. They expect results. -Ray Ghostbusters

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