[Lustre-discuss] inconsistent client behavior when creating an empty directory

Kevin Van Maren kevin.van.maren at oracle.com
Tue Aug 9 09:14:03 PDT 2011

This appears to be the same issue as 


Andrej Filipcic wrote:
> Hi,
> the following code does not work as expected:
> ---------
> #include <sys/stat.h>
> #include <errno.h>
> #include <stdio.h>
> int main(int argc, char** argv) {
>   int rc;
>   rc=mkdir(argv[1],S_IRWXU);
>   if(rc) perror("failed create dir");
>   chown(argv[1],4103,4100);
>   struct stat buf;
>   /* stat(argv[1],&buf); */
>   setresuid(0,4103,4100);
>   rc=mkdir(argv[1],S_IRWXU);
>   if(rc) perror("failed create dir as user");
> }
> ---------
> initial status:
> # ls -ld /lustre/test
> drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Aug  9 14:59 /lustre/test
> # ls -l /lustre/test
> total 0
> 1) running the test program:
> # /tmp/test /lustre/test/testdir
> failed create dir as user: Permission denied
> # ls -l /lustre/test
> total 4
> drwx------ 2 griduser03 grid 4096 Aug  9 15:02 testdir
> griduser03, grid correspond to uid=4103,gid=4100
> 2) running the test program, but with uncommented stat call:
> # /tmp/test /lustre/test/testdir
> failed create dir as user: File exists
> # ls -l /lustre/test
> total 4
> drwx------ 2 griduser03 grid 4096 Aug  9 15:04 testdir
> The code first makes the testdir as root and changes the ownership to uid 4103. 
> Then it tries to (re)create the same dir with the user privileges. 
> If "stat" is called, the code behaves as expected (case 2), but if not (case 
> 1), the second mkdir should return EEXIST and not EACCES. Is this behavior 
> expected or is it a client bug? The client runs lustre 1.8.6.
> The code just illustrates, what is actually used in a complex software.
> Andrej

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