[lustre-discuss] Final Week: Lustre Usage Survey Input

OpenSFS Administration admin at opensfs.org
Thu Mar 23 10:36:57 PDT 2017

Dear Lustre Community,


As a reminder, only 1 week remains for you to provide input on the annual
Lustre survey. The OpenSFS Lustre Working Group is looking for trends in
Lustre usage to assist with future planning on releases and will present the
results at LUG.


Please complete this short survey (https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GB89BM2)
to make sure your organization's voice is heard!


Response to the survey is due by March 31st. Note that all questions are
optional, so it is ok to submit a partially completed survey if you prefer
not to disclose some information.


Best regards,

OpenSFS Administration


OpenSFS Administration

3855 SW 153rd Drive Beaverton, OR 97003 USA

Phone: +1 503-619-0561 | Fax: +1 503-644-6708

Twitter:  <https://twitter.com/opensfs> @OpenSFS 

Email:  <mailto:admin at opensfs.org> admin at opensfs.org | Website:
<http://www.opensfs.org/> www.opensfs.org

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