[lustre-discuss] Are there any performance hits with the https://access.redhat.com/security/vulnerabilities/speculativeexecution?

Marek Magryś m.magrys at cyfronet.pl
Mon Jan 8 02:45:39 PST 2018

Hi all,

> I wonder if any performance impacts on lustre with the new security
> patches for the Intel?

According to our initial tests on 3.10.0-693.11.6.el7.x86_64 kernel
(Centos 7.4) with Lustre 2.10.2, there is a penalty of ca. 10% in nice
workloads (1MB IO) up to 40% in 4k IOs. Tested with IOR.

It looks bad, however probably we don't need to patch the servers, as
Lustre lives in kernelspace anyway. Some kind of advisory from Intel
HPDD would be nice here.


Marek Magrys
ACC Cyfronet AGH-UST

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