[lustre-discuss] Fwd: undelete

E.S. Rosenberg esr+lustre at mail.hebrew.edu
Wed Jan 24 12:59:58 PST 2018

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: E.S. Rosenberg <esr at cs.huji.ac.il>
Date: Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 10:59 PM
Subject: Re: [lustre-discuss] undelete
To: "Dilger, Andreas" <andreas.dilger at intel.com>
Cc: "lustre-discuss at lists.lustre.org" <lustre-discuss at lists.lustre.org>

On Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 1:05 PM, Dilger, Andreas <andreas.dilger at intel.com>

> On Jan 22, 2018, at 19:03, E.S. Rosenberg <esr+lustre at mail.hebrew.edu>
> wrote:
> >
> > Dragging the old discussion back up....
> > First of thanks for all the replies last time!
> >
> > Last time in the end we didn't need to recover but now another user made
> a bigger mistake and we do need to recover data.
> Sounds like it is time for backups and/or snapshots to avoid these issues
> in the future.  If you don't have space for a full filesystem backup, doing
> daily backups of the MDT simplifies such data recovery significantly.
> Preferably the backup is done from a snapshot using "dd" or "e2image", but
> even without a snapshot it is better to do a backup from the raw device
> than not at all.
Yeah I think our next Lustre system is going to be ZFS based so we should
have at least 1 snapshot at all times (more then that will probably be too
OTOH this whole saga is also excellent user education that will genuinely
drive the point home that they should only store reproducible data on
Lustre which as defined by us is scratch and not backed up.

> > I have shut down our Lustre filesystem and am going to do some
> simulations on a test system trying various undelete tools.
> >
> > autopsy (sleuthkit) on the metadata shows that at least the structure is
> still there and hopefully we'll be able to recover more.
> You will need to be able to recover the file layout from the deleted MDT
> inode (which existing ext4 recovery tools might help with), including the
> "lov" xattr, which is typically stored inside the inode itself unless the
> file was widely striped.
> Secondly, you will also need to recover the matching OST inodes/objects
> that were deleted.  There may be deleted entries in the OST object
> directories (O/0/d*/) that tell you which inodes the objects were using.
> Failing that, you may be able to tell from the "fid" xattr of deleted
> inodes which object they were.  Using the Lustre debugfs "stat <inode>"
> command may help on the OST.
> You would need to undelete all of the objects in a multi-stripe file for
> that to be very useful.
> > Has anyone ever done true recovery of Lustre or is it all just
> theoretical knowledge at the moment?
> >
> > What are the consequences of say undeleting data on OSTs that is then
> not referenced on the MDS? Could I cause corruption of the whole filesystem
> by doing stuff like that?
> As long as you are not corrupting the actual OST or MDT filesystems by
> undeleting an inode whose blocks were reallocated to another file, it won't
> harm things.  At worst it would mean OST objects that are not reachable
> through the MDT namespace.  Running an lfsck namespace scan (2.7+) would
> link such OST objects into the $MOUNT/.lustre/lost+found directory if they
> are not referenced from any MDT inode.
> > (As far as the files themselves go they are most likely all single
> striped since that is our default and we are pre PFL so that should be
> easier I think).
> That definitely simplifies things significantly.
> Cheers, Andreas

Some of what I wrote before was due to my hope to do in-place recovery and
make stuff 'visible' again on lustre.
I actually ran into a different interesting issue, it seems extundelete
balks at huge ext filesystems (33T) it considers some of the superblock
values to be out-of-domain (a quick look at the source suggests to me that
they assumed INT32, but 32T is also the limit of ext3).
ext4magic returns the error 2133571465 <(213)%20357-1465> from e2fsprogs
which according to the source maps to EXT2_ET_CANT_USE_LEGACY_BITMAPS not
sure what to make of that.
and bringing up the rear is ext3grep which doesn't know xattrs and therefor

Thanks again for all the pointers!

> > On Thu, May 4, 2017 at 2:21 AM, Dilger, Andreas <
> andreas.dilger at intel.com> wrote:
> > On Apr 27, 2017, at 05:43, E.S. Rosenberg <esr+lustre at mail.hebrew.edu>
> wrote:
> > >
> > > A user just rm'd a big archive of theirs on lustre, any way to recover
> it before it gets destroyed by other writes?
> >
> > Just noticed this email.
> >
> > In some cases, an immediate power-off followed by some ext4 recovery
> tools (e.g. ext3grep) might get you some data back, but that is very
> uncertain.
> >
> > With ZFS MDT/OST filesystems (or to a lesser extent LVM) it is possible
> to create periodic snapshots of the filesystems for recovery purposes.  ZFS
> handles this fairly well performance wise, LVM much less so.  With Lustre
> 2.10 there are new tools to manage the ZFS snapshots and allow mounting
> them as a separate Lustre filesystem.
> Cheers, Andreas
> --
> Andreas Dilger
> Lustre Principal Architect
> Intel Corporation
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