[lustre-discuss] storing Lustre jobid in file xattrs: seeking feedback

Bertschinger, Thomas Andrew Hjorth bertschinger at lanl.gov
Thu May 4 14:53:01 PDT 2023

Hello Lustre Users,

There has been interest in a proposed feature https://jira.whamcloud.com/browse/LU-13031 to store the jobid with each Lustre file at create time, in an extended attribute. An open question is which xattr namespace is to use between "user", the Lustre-specific namespace "lustre", "trusted", or even perhaps "system".

The correct namespace likely depends on how this xattr will be used. For example, will interoperability with other filesystems be important? Different namespaces have their own limitations so the correct choice depends on the use cases.

I'm looking for feedback on applications for this feature. If you have thoughts on how you could use this, please feel free to share them so that we design it in a way that meets your needs.


Tom Bertschinger

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