[lustre-discuss] Building Lustre 2.15.2 for ZFS 2.1.2 without DKMS

Walker Haddock walkerhaddock at gmail.com
Thu May 11 03:22:01 PDT 2023

We are trying to build Lustre 2.15.2 for ZFS 2.1.2
and MLNX_OFED_LINUX-5.9- on RHEL 8.7. The kernel
version is: 4.18.0-425.3.1.el8.x86_64.

We are using these options to configure the build:
$ ./configure --enable-server --enable-modules --with-zfs=yes

We have also tried other options:
--with-zfs-build=$HOME/zfs --with-spl=$HOME/zfs --with-spl-obj=$HOME/zfs
--with-zfs=yes --with-spl=yes

We have built and installed the zfs*.rpms and the kmod-zfs*.rpm packages.
All dependencies except the epel dkms package have been installed. We can
only use packages from the Red Hat CDN.

The configure script always fails at line 37291:
Required zfs osd cannot be built due to missing zfs development headers.

However, they are right there in the /usr path as well as the libs, just
where the script has found them. It seems that the configure script does
not include the case where dkms is not used. We have successfully built
Lustre without dkms in the past with the 2.12 versions.

Please see attached configure.log.

Thanks, Walker Haddock

All fail. It seems that the ./configure script is
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