[Lustre-devel] LustreFS performance

Mallik Ragampudi Mallikarjunarao.Ragampudi at Sun.COM
Tue Mar 10 04:55:16 PDT 2009


This is very comprehensive. Few comments:

1) I think it would be good to start with LLT2 (lustre-iokit: 
ior-survey) and get an out-of-the-box performance
picture/comparison (1.6 and 2.0) from the whole cluster before testing 
the individual layers.
2) Can this plan be extended to include CMD performance testing as well 
? I would expect that most
of your test cases apply for the CMD as well ?
3) I assume the "CPU" parameter in your methodology refers to # of CPUs 
in MDS, right ?
4) I am not sure if we can test 32 cores without hitting other 
bottlenecks beyond 8 coress on the servers.
This will cut down some combinations in the matrix.


Vitaly Fertman wrote:
> ****************************************************
>     LustreFS benchmarking methodology.
> ****************************************************
> The document aims to describe the benchmarking methodology which helps
> to understand the LustreFS performance and reveal LustreFS bottlenecks in
> different configurations on different hardware, to ensure the next 
> LustreFS
> release does not downgrade comparing with a previous one. In other words:
>     Goal1. Understand the HEAD performance.
>     Goal2. Compare HEAD and b1_6 (b1_8) performance.
> To achieve the Goal1, the methodology suggests to test different 
> layers of
> software in the bottom-top direction, i.e. the underlying back-end, 
> the target
> server sitting on this back-end, the network connected to this target 
> and how
> the target performs through this network, etc up to the whole cluster.
> Each next step has only 1 change over the previous one, it is either a 
> new layer
> added or 1 parameter in the configuration is changed (probably another 
> network
> type or another back-end). Comparing the results of each test with the 
> previous
> test, we get the overhead of the added layer or the performance impact of
> changing this parameter.
> To achieve the Goal2, the methodology suggests to go in the reverse 
> top-bottom
> direction, i.e. to test some large sub-systems first and, if a 
> downgrade vs. a previous
> LustreFS version is detected, to perform more detailed tests. (This is 
> considered as
> the primary goal of the 2.0 Performance Team).
> The document does not cover the way of fixing revealed problems, 
> probably some
> special purpose test needs to be run or oprofile needs to be compiled 
> in -- it is our
> of scope of the document.
> Obviously, it is not possible to perform all the thousands of tests in 
> all the configurations,
> running all the special purpose tests, etc, the document tries to 
> prepare:
> 1) all the essential and sufficient tests to see how the system 
> performs in general;
> 2) some minimal amount of essential tests to see how the system scales 
> in different
> conditions.
> Therefore, the plan does not guarantee we will not miss a bottleneck 
> or a bug, it just
> tries to cover maximum possible scenarios in most interesting 
> conditions/environment
> states.
> The amount of tests described below is already about 2K, and there 
> will be definitely more,
> and it will take a lot of time to perform all of them and to analyze 
> the results.  So one of
> the major concerns here is how to minimize the amount of test so that 
> we would not miss
> some interesting case and would be able to get all the results within 
> a reasonable amount of
> time. Please keep it in mind while looking at the tests below.
> **** Hardware Requirements. ****
> The test plan implies that we change only 1 parameter (cpu or disk or 
> network)
> on each step. Thus, the HW requirements are:
> -- at least 1 node with:
>   CPU:32;
>   RAM: enough to have a tmpfs for MDS;
>   DISK: raid, regular.
>   NET: both GiGe and IB installed.
> -- besides that: 8 clients, 4 other servers.
> -- the other servers include:
>   DISK: raid, regular.
>   NET: both GiGe and IB installed.
> -- client includes:
> NET: both GiGe and IB installed.
> **** Software requirements ****
> 1. Short term.
> 1.1 mdsrate
> to be completed to test all the operations listed in MDST3 (see below).
> 1.2 mdsrate-**.sh
> to be fixed/written to run mdsrate properly and test all the 
> operations listed in
> MDST3 (see below).
> 1.3. fake disk
> implement FAIL flag and report 'done' without doing anything in 
> obdfilter to get
> a low-latency disk.
> 1.4. MT.
> add more tests here and implement them.
> 2. Long term.
> 2.1. mdtstack-survey
> - an echo client-server is to be written for mds similar to ost.
> - a test script similar to obdfilter-survey.sh is to be written.
> **** Different configurations ****
> Configuration of Node:
> RAM. Amount of RAM on nodes (?)
> CPU. Count of CPUs on nodes (1..32)
> DISK. Disk type (regular, raid, tmpfs, fake)
> JOUR. Journal type (internal, external, ram)
> Q:  which raid?
> A: raid5, as it seems to be the most popular.
> fake: to get a low-latency disk, it is preferable to report 'done' 
> without doing anything
> in obdfilter once some FAIL flag is set. It is useful for OST testing, 
> because first of all,
> it does not have a CPU overhead of memcpy of using tmpfs and it lets 
> to test large
> amount of data in contrast to tmpfs. As a drawback, it skips the 
> localfs code paths.
> Configuration of Cluster:
> CL. Amount of clients (1,2,4,8)
> OSS. Amount of OSS nodes (1,2,4)
> NET. Network type (GiGe, IB)
> OSTN. Amount of OST per nodes (1,2,4)
> Configuration of test.
> TH. Amount of threads per client (1,2,4,8)
> VER. Lustre version (b1_6, HEAD. later b1_8).
> FEAT. Lustre features to turn off (COS, SA, RA, debug messages)
> TEST. Specific test parameters.
> **** Testing ****
> Low Layers Testing (LLT)
> LLT1. Raw disk (lustre-iokit:sgpdd-survey)
> LLT2. Local filesystem (lustre-iokit: ior-survey, is fs mounted 
> synchronously?)
> Network Testing (NETT).
> NETT1. lnet: lnetself test.
> NETT2. OBD: lustre-iokit: (obdfilter-survey,     
> echo_client-osc-..-net-..-ost-echo_server)
> NETT3. MD: (not ready)
> OST Testing (OSTT).
> OSTT1. Isolated OST (lustre-iokit: obdfilter-survey,     
> echo_client-obdfilter-..-disk)
> OSTT2. Remote OST (lustre-iokit: obdfilter-survey,    
> echo_client-osc-..-ost-obdfilter-..-disk)
> OSTT3. Client-OST IO (lustre-iokit: ost-survey, client-ost-disk).
> MDS Testing (MDST).
> MDST1. Isolated MDS test (not ready)
> MDST2. Remote MDS test (not ready)
> MDST3. Simple Client-MDS operation test
> Mixed testing (MT) (not ready)
> **** Statistics ****
> During all the tests the following is supposed to be running on all 
> the servers:
> 1) vmstat
> 2) iostat, if there is some disk activity.
> smth else?
> *** Goal1. Understand the HEAD performance. ***
> The Goal1 describes the testing methodology in the bottom-top direction,
> from the lower layers (disk) to the complete Lustre cluster.
> LLT1. Raw disk (lustre-iokit:sgpdd-survey)
> RAM: fixed
> CPU: 1
> DISK: regular,raid,tmpfs (default=raid)
> JOUR:-
> CL: 1
> OSS:1
> NET: -
> OSTN:-
> TH: 1,2,4,8 (default=1)
> F: debug
> *)bulk size is specified as rszlo/rszhi=[1,4,64,1024K]
> *)TH is specified as thrlo/thrhi=[1,2,4,8]
> *)the amount of objects to work on in parallel: crglo=crghi=[1;TH]
> i.e. test only cases when all the threads work on the same file and
> when all of them work on a separate file.
> [bulk;separate or commin dir]=8 tests;
> Test matrix(TESTxTHxDISK):
> Run TESTs with different amount of threads for each DISK.
> TESTxTHxDISK=(8x4 - 1)x3=93 tests.
> "-1" because TH=1 is already covered.
> Total:93 tests.
> *** NETT1. lnetself test.***
> RAM: fixed
> CPU: 1,2,8,32 (default=1)
> DISK: -
> JOUR:-
> CL: 1,2,4,8 (default=1)
> OSS:1
> NET: GiGe, IB (default=IB)
> OSTN:1
> TH: 1,2,4,8 (default=1)
> F: debug
> *) test type: PING,READ,WRITE tests
> *) bulk size for READ/WRITE: 1k,4k,64k,1M
> [1 ping + 4 reads + 4 writes] = 9 tests
> Test matrix (TESTxCLxTHxNETxCPU):
> 1. Multi-thread test.
> Run TESTs on CL=1 with different amount of threads.
> TESTxTH=[1+4+4]x4=36 tests.
> 2. Multi-client test
> 2.1. Let's check how clients scale vs. threads per client (TH=1).
> 2.2. Let's check how the system scale with many clients and threads 
> (TH=8).
> Note: to be more demonstrative, the maximum amount of threads could be 
> taken
> <8, if TH=8 reaches the maximum network throughput with small amount 
> of clients.
> [CL>1;TH=1,8]. TESTxCLxTH=9x3x2=54 tests.
> 3. Network test
> As the nature of IB is different from GiGe, we need to repeat all the 
> tests
> from (1,2) here. 36+54=90 tests.
> 4. CPU test
> Note: lnet fixes from Liang to be applied here.
> Run TESTs on different amount of CPU.
> It is mostly interesting to look at large amount of threads, as we are
> going to benefit from handling them in parallel.
> At the same time, if some HW (network) limit is reached, the result 
> will not be
> very demonstrative, so test with 1 small & 1 large bulk size 
> only:[1k;1024K]:
> [CL=8,TH=1,2,4,8]. TESTxCLxTHxCPU=5x1x4x(4-1)=60.
> Total: 240 tests.
> *** NETT2. OBD performance ***
> lustre-iokit: obdfilter-survey, case=network.
> The results of this tests are to be compared with lnet results to get
> the osc+ost+ptlrpc overhead.
> RAM: fixed
> CPU: 1
> DISK: -
> JOUR:-
> CL: 1,2,4,8 (default=1)
> OSS:1
> OSTN:1
> TH: 1,2,4,8 (default=1)
> F: debug
> *) bulk size: rszlo=rszhi=N (1,4,64,1024)
> *) TH is specified through: thrlo=1, thrhi=8 (thread count, 1,2,4,8)
> *) the amount of objects is: nobjlo=nobjhi=[1;TH]
> i.e. test only cases when all the threads work on the same file and
> when all of them work on a separate file.
> [4 bulks; common or separate dir]=8 tests
> Test matrix(TESTxTHxCLxNET):
> 1. Multi-thread test.
> Run TESTs on CL=1 with different amount of threads. TESTxTH=8x4=32 tests
> 2. Multi-client test
> 2.1. Let's check how clients scale vs. threads per client (TH=1).
> 2.2. Let's check how the system scale with many clients and threads 
> (TH=8).
> Note: to be more demonstrative, the maximum amount of threads should 
> be taken
> <8, if TH=8 reaches the maximum network throughput with small amount 
> of clients.
> [CL>1;TH=1,8]. TESTxCLxTH=8x3x2=48 tests.
> 3. Network test.
> Having IB results in hand after (1,2) and these results from NETT1, we 
> already see how
> osc+ost+ptlrpc changes the behavior. There is no reason to repeat them 
> for GiGe, it seems.
> 4.CPU test
> Note: lnet fixes from Liang to be applied here.
> Run TESTs on different amount of CPU.
> It is mostly interesting to look at large amount of threads, as we are
> going to benefit from handling them in parallel.
> At the same time, if some HW (network) limit is reached, the result 
> will not be
> very demonstrative, so test with 1 small & 1 large bulk size 
> only:[1k;1024K]:
> [CL=8,TH=1,2,4,8]. TESTxCLxTHxCPU=4x1x4x(4-1)=48.
> Total: 128 tests.
> *** OSTT1. Isolated OST ***
> lustre-iokit: obdfilter-survey, case=disk
> The results of this tests are to be compared with LLT results to get 
> the OST
> stack overhead.
> RAM: fixed
> CPU: 1,2,8,32 (default=1)
> DISK: regular, raid, fake (default=fake)
> JOUR: int, ext, ram, (default=int)
> CL: 1
> OSS:1
> NET: -
> OSTN:1,2,4 (default=1)
> TH: 1,2,4,8 (default=1)
> F: debug
> *) bulk size: rszlo=rszhi=N (1,4,64,1024K)
> *) TH is specified through: thrlo=1, thrhi=8 (1,2,4,8)
> *) each OST is supposed to be configured on a separate disk.
> *) the amount of objects is: nobjlo=nobjhi=[1;TH]
> i.e. test only cases when all the threads work on the same file and
> when all of them work on a separate file.
> [4 bulks; common of separate dir]=8 tests
> Test matrix(TESTxTHxOSTNxDISKxCPU):
> 1. Multi-thread test.
> Run TESTs on OSTN=1 with different amount of threads. TESTxTH=8x4=32 
> tests
> 2. Multi-OST test
> 2.1. Let's check how OSTs vs. threads per OST scale (TH=OSTN).
> 2.2. Let's check how the system scale with many OSTs and threads 
> (TH=8*OSTN).
> [OSTN>1;TH=OSTN,8*OSTN]. TESTxOSTNxTH=8x2x2=32 tests.
> 3. DISK test
> As other disks are completely different, so lets repeat most of the 
> (1,2) for 2 others:
> [TH=OSTN;8*OSTN]: TESTxOSTNxTHxDISK=8x3x2x2=96
> 4. JOURNAL test.
> Limit the tests with only raid-disk.
> Limit the test with only 1 large and 1 small bulk:[1,1024K].
> TESTxOSTNxTHxJOUR: 4x3x2x2=48
> 5. CPU test
> Note: lnet fixes from Liang to be applied here.
> Run TESTs on different amount of CPU. It is better to perform it on a 
> fast
> backend (DISK=fake) to see how CPU really matters.
> It is mostly interesting to look at large amount of threads, as we are 
> going
> to benefit from handling them in parallel.
> Also, run with a small & a large bulk only:[1,1024K]
> [OSTN=4,TH=1,2,4,8]: TESTxOSTNxTHxCPU=4x1x4x3=48
> Total: 256 tests.
> *** OSTT2. Real OST test ***
> lustre-iokit: obdfilter-survey, case=netdisk
> This test is a composition of OBD performance and Isolated OST tests,
> so its results are to be compared with NETT2 & OSTT1 results.
> RAM: fixed
> CPU: 1,2,8,32 (default=1)
> DISK: fake
> JOUR:int
> CL: 1,2,4,8 (default=1)
> OSS:1,2,4 (default=1)
> OSTN:1,2,4 (default=1)
> TH: 1,2,4,8 (default=1)
> F: debug
> *) bulk size: rszlo=rszhi=N (1,4,64,1024)
> *) TH is specified through: thrlo=1, thrhi=8 (thread count, 1,2,4,8)
> *) each OST is supposed to be configured on a separate disk.
> *) the amount of objects is: nobjlo=nobjhi=[1;TH]
> i.e. test only cases when all the threads work on the same file and
> when all of them work on a separate file.
> [4 bulks; common of separate dir]=8 tests
> 1. Multi-thread test.
> Run TESTs on CL=1 with different amount of threads. TESTxTH=8x4=32 tests
> 2. Multi-client test
> 2.1. Let's check how clients scale vs. threads per client (TH=1).
> 2.2. Let's check how the system scale with many clients and threads 
> (TH=8).
> Note: to be more demonstrative, the maximum amount of threads could be 
> taken
> <8, if TH=8 reaches the maximum network throughput with small amount 
> of clients.
> [CL>1;TH=1,8]. TESTxCLxTH=8x3x2=48 tests.
> 3. Network test
> Having IB results in hand after (1,2) and these results from NETT2, we 
> already see how
> osc+ost+ptlrpc+obdfilter changes the behavior. Thus, there is no 
> reason to repeat them
> for GiGe, it seems.
> 4.CPU test
> Note: lnet fixes from Liang to be applied here.
> Run TESTs on different amount of CPU.
> It is mostly interesting to look at large amount of threads, as we are
> going to benefit from handling them in parallel.
> At the same time, if some HW (network) limit is reached, the result 
> will not be
> very demonstrative, so test with 1 small & 1 large bulk size 
> only:[1k;1024K]:
> [CL=8,TH=1,2,4,8]. TESTxCLxTHxCPU=4x1x4x(4-1)=48.
> 5. OSTN test.
> The same OSC, network, CPU, disk, just check how OST stack (see 1,2
> tests) is scalable.
> 5.1. Let's check how N threads per 1 OST vs. 1 thread per N OST scales 
> (CL=OSTN).
> 5.2. Let's check how the system scale with many clients and threads 
> (CL=8)
> Note: to be more demonstrative, the maximum amount of threads could be 
> taken
> <8, if TH=8 reaches the maximum network throughput with small amount 
> of clients.
> It seems enough to look at 1 small & 1 large bulk only: [1,1024K]
> [CL=OSTN,8;TH=1,8]. TESTxCLxTHxOSTN=4x2x2x2=32 tests
> 6. OSS test.
> 6.1. Let's check how 1 thread per N OST vs. 1 thread per N OSS scales 
> (CL=OSS).
> 6.2. Let's check how the system scale with many clients and threads 
> (CL=8)
> Note: to be more demonstrative, the maximum amount of threads could be 
> taken
> <8, if TH=8 reaches the maximum network throughput with small amount 
> of clients.
> It seems enough to look at 1 small & 1 large bulk only: [1,1024K]
> [CL=OSS,8;TH=1,8]. TESTxCLxTHxOSTN=4x2x2x2=32 tests
> Total:192 tests
> *** OSTT3. Client-OST test ***
> lustre-iokit: ior-survey.
> The test results are to be compared with OSTT2 results to get the 
> overhead
> for Lustre Client: client stack, distributed locking, etc.
> RAM: fixed
> CPU: 1,2,8,32 (default=1)
> DISK: fake
> JOUR:int
> CL: 1,2,4,8 (default=1)
> OSS:1,2,4 (default=1)
> OSTN:1,2,4 (default=1)
> TH: 1,2,4,8 (default=1)
> F: debug
> *) CL is specified through $clients_hi
> *) TH is specified through $tasks_per_client_hi
> *) bulk is specified through  rsize_lo/hi (1,4,64,1028K)
> *) file_per_task=[0;1]
> i.e. test only cases when all the threads work on the same file and
> when all of them work on a separate file.
> [4 bulks; common of separate dir]=8 tests
> Test matrix(TESTxTHxCLxCPU): absolutely the same as for OSTT2.
> NETT3. MD: (not ready)
> MDST1. Isolated MDS (not ready)
> MDST2. Remote MDS (not ready)
> This set of tests need to be implemented in a utility similar to 
> obdfilter-survey
> but for MDS testing.
> MDST3. Simple Client-MDS operation tests
> 1. create,mknod,mkdir (symlink, link??)
> RAM: fixed
> CPU: 1,2,8,32 (default=1)
> DISK(MDS): tmpfs, raid, regular (default=tmpfs)
> DISK(OST): tmpfs
> JOUR: int,ext,ram (default=int)
> CL: 1,2,4,8 (default=1)
> OSS:1,2,4 (default=1)
> OSTN:1
> TH: 1,2,4,8 (default=1)
> F: debug
> TEST: it will be probably mdsrate/mdsrate-create-small.sh, but it 
> needs to be
> fixed to support all of these operations, not only create. If so:
> *) TH could be specified through THREADS_PER_CLIENT=[1,2,4,8]
> *) CL is specified through CLIENTS  or NODES_TO_USE.
> *) NOSINGLE should be provided
> *) add --dirnum option to COMMAND
> *) DIRNUM=[1,TH*CL], so we test a case when all the threads work in the
> same dir and when each works in a separate one.
> *) nfiles is files-per-dir * DIRNUM
> [common or separate dir]=2tests;
> Note: we should probably limit the amount of files in 1 directory with 
> 2M,
> otherwise the performance will definitely downgrade.
> Test matrix(TESTxTHxCLxCPUxNETxOSS):
> 1. Multi-thread test.
> Run TESTs on CL=1 with different amount of threads. TESTxTH=2x4-1=7 tests
> (not 8 as if TH=1, DIRNUM=1, and this is already covered).
> 2. Multi-client test
> 2.1. Let's check how clients scale vs. threads per client (TH=1).
> 2.2. Let's check how the system scale with many clients and threads 
> (TH=8).
> Note: to be more demonstrative, the maximum amount of threads could be 
> taken
> <8, if TH=8 reaches the maximum network throughput with small amount 
> of clients.
> [CL>1;TH=1,8]. TESTxCLxTH=2x3x2=12 tests.
> 3. Striped test.
> 2.1. Let's check how multi-client system scales (TH=1).
> 2.2. Let's check how large load system scales (TH=8)
> Test (only) create with different stripeness. 
> TESTxCLxTHxOSS=[2x4x2-1]x2=30
> 4. Network test
> Having IB results in hand after (1,2,3) and these results from NETT1, 
> we already see
> how mdc+mdt-stack+ptlrpc changes the behavior. There is no reason to 
> repeat them
> for GiGe, it seems.
> 5. DISK test.
> Unlink the OST testing, we do not have echo-md client (MDTT1), thus we 
> have not checked
> how different disks impact the performance, so we need to check it here.
> Limit this test with only couple of operations: create, mknod.
> As different disks are of completely different nature we need to 
> repeat most of (1,2) here
> [TH=1,8]: TESTxCLxTHxDISK=(2x4x2-1)x2=30
> 6. JOURNAL test.
> Repeat (5) for different journals, but limit the test with raid-disk 
> only. TESTxCLxTHxDISKxJOUR=(2x4x2-1)x1x2=30
> 7.CPU test
> Note: lnet fixes from Liang to be applied here.
> Run TESTs on different amount of CPU.
> Limit this test with only couple of operations: create, mknod.
> It is mostly interesting to look at large amount of threads, as we are
> going to benefit from handling them in parallel, so run it for CL=max
> only: [CL=8,TH=1,2,4,8]. TESTxCLxTHxCPU=2x1x4x(4-1)=24
> Total: 19 tests for mkdir, 103 for mknod, 133 for create.
> 2. lookup (mdsrate-lookup-1dir.sh => mdsrate-lookup.sh)
> RAM: fixed
> CPU: 1,2,8,32 (default=1)
> DISK: tmpfs
> JOUR: int
> CL: 1,2,4,8 (default=1)
> OSS:1
> NET: GiGe,IB (default=IB)
> OSTN:1
> TH: 1,2,4,8 (default=1)
> F: debug
> TEST: it will be probably better to work out mdsrate-lookup-1dir.sh, 
> which
> could work in several directories in parallel.
> *) TH could be specified through THREADS_PER_CLIENT=[1,2,4,8]
>   (to be added into the script)
> *) CL is an amount of nodes specified in CLIENTS or NODES_TO_USE.
> *) NOSINGLE should be provided
> *) add --dirnum option to COMMAND
> *) DIRNUM=[1,TH*CL], so we test a case when all the threads work in the
> same dir and when each works in a separate one.
> *) nfiles is files-per-dir * DIRNUM
> *) add READDIR_ORDER to test both random and readdir order lookups.
> [common or separate di; readdir,random order]=4 tests.
> Q: it seems this test does md_getattr_name(), instead of lookup, thus 
> no lock
> enqueue is involved.
> A: what about to replace it with access(2)??
> Test matrix(TESTxTHxCLxCPUxNET): the same as for (1, mknod), but 4 tests
> instead of 2: 19x2=38 tests.
> 3. stat
> RAM: fixed
> CPU: 1,2,8,32 (default=1)
> DISK(MDS): tmpfs, raid, regular (default=tmpfs)
> DISK(OST): tmpfs
> JOUR: int,ext,ram (default=int)
> CL: 1,2,4 (default=1)
> OSS:1,2,4 (default=1)
> NET: GiGe,IB (default=IB)
> OSTN:1
> TH: 1,2,4,8 (default=1)
> F: debug
> TEST: mdsrate/mdsrate-stat-small.sh
> *) add THREADS_PER_CLIENT to the script to specify TH
> *) CL is specified through CLIENTS  or NODES_TO_USE.
> *) NOSINGLE should be provided
> *) add --dirnum option to COMMAND
> *) DIRNUM=[1,TH*CL], so we test a case when all the threads work in the
> same dir and when each works in a separate one.
> *) nfiles is files-per-dir * DIRNUM
> *) add READDIR_ORDER to test both random and readdir order lookups.
> [common or separate dir; readdir,random order]=4 tests.
> Q: do we want to test stat(2) with other then tmpfs disk on OST?
> what journal should it have if so?
> Test matrix(TESTxTHxCLxCPUxNETxDISKxJOUR): the same as for (1, create),
> but 4 tests instead of 2: 133x2=266 tests.
> 4. unlink (mdsrate-create-small.sh, run twice??)
> it should be run (and it is run in  mdsrate-create-small.sh) for all
> the operations in (1), i.e. create, mkdir, mknod.
> The test matrix is the same and the total:
> 19 tests for mkdir, 103 for mknod, 133 for create.
> 5. chmod (mdsrate-chmod.sh, new one, fix mdsrate)
> The same as (1, mkdir) and the total: 19 tests.
> 6. utime (mdsrate-utime.sh, new one, fix mdsrate)
> The same as (1, mkdir) and the total: 19 tests.
> 7. chown (mdsrate-chown.sh, new one, fix mdsrate)
> The same as (1, create), but skip different DISKs&JOURNALs:
> 19 + 30 + 24=73 tests.
> 8. rename (mdsrate-rename.sh, new one, fix mdsrate)
> The same as (1, mkdir) and the total: 19 tests.
> 9. find
> Q: despite the fact we currently have a large downgrade with
> "find -f type", do we want to have this test in the general test set?
> **** MT. Mixed testing. ****
> MT1. Create-write test.
> RAM: fixed
> CPU: 32
> DISK(MDS): tmpfs, raid (default=tmpfs)
> DISK(OST): raid
> JOUR: int
> CL: 1,2,4,8 (default=1)
> OSS:1 (default=1)
> OSTN:1
> TH: 1,2,4,8 (default=1)
> F: debug
> TEST: must be a new one. Each thread creates files in a loop, writes 1 
> bulk to each and closes it.
> *) it is enough to test with a small bulk only: [1k]
> *) [common or separate dir]=2tests;
> Test matrix(TESTxTHxCLxCPUxNETxOSS):
> 1. Multi-thread test.
> Run TESTs on CL=1 with different amount of threads. TESTxTH=2x4-1=7 tests
> (not 8 as if TH=1, it is always in 1 dir, and this is already covered).
> 2. Multi-client test
> 2.1. Let's check how clients scale vs. threads per client (TH=1).
> 2.2. Let's check how the system scale with many clients and threads 
> (TH=8).
> Note: to be more demonstrative, the maximum amount of threads could be 
> taken
> <8, if TH=8 reaches the maximum network throughput with small amount 
> of clients.
> [CL>1;TH=1,8]. TESTxCLxTH=2x3x2=12 tests.
> 3. DISK test.
> Check how different disks impact on the performance.
> As different disks are of completely different nature we need to 
> repeat most of (1,2) here
> [TH=1,8]: TESTxCLxTHxDISK=(2x4x2-1)x1=15
> Total: 34 tests.
> MT2. Create-Readdir test.
> RAM: fixed
> CPU: 32
> DISK(MDS): tmpfs, raid (default=tmpfs)
> DISK(OST): raid
> JOUR: int
> CL: 1,2,4,8 (default=1) (1 extra client does "ls -U")
> OSS:1 (default=1)
> OSTN:1
> TH: 1,2,4,8 (default=1)
> F: debug
> TEST: must be a new one. Each thread creates files in a loop and 
> immediately closes them.
> 1 thread on another client does "ls -U". It is done in 1 directory.
> The test matrix is exactly the same as for MT1. Total: 34 tests.
> MT3. ??? Some more tests ????
> **** Goal2. Compare HEAD and b1_6 (b1_8) performance. ****
> This paragraph describes the testing methodology in the reverse order 
> of testing,
> i.e. in the top-bottom direction, making sure new LustreFS (HEAD) 
> version does
> not downgrade comparing with the previous ones (b1_6/b1_8).
> Therefore, the first testing cycle includes:
>     MT, MDST3, OSTT3, NETT1.
> from the above tests. In the case a downgrade is detected, lower layer 
> tests are
> to be run until the downgrade disappear.
> -- 
> Vitaly

Mallik Ragampudi         (877)860-5044  Lustre Engineering
x52907 Sun Microsystems 
Mallikarjunarao.Ragampudi at sun.com 

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