[Lustre-discuss] e2fsck issue

Christos Theodosiou ctheodos at grid.auth.gr
Wed Apr 13 01:29:21 PDT 2011

Hi all,

I am trying to perform a file-system check on a mounted lustre file-system.

The e2fsck fails with the following message:

 > e2fsck -n -v --mdsdb /tmp/mdsdb /dev/msavg/lv001
e2fsck 1.41.10.sun2 (24-Feb-2010)
device /dev/mapper/msavg-lv001 mounted by lustre per 
Warning!  /dev/msavg/lv001 is mounted.
e2fsck: MMP: device currently active while trying to open /dev/msavg/lv001

The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2
filesystem.  If the device is valid and it really contains an ext2
filesystem (and not swap or ufs or something else), then the superblock
is corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate superblock:
     e2fsck -b 32744 <device>

I tried setting -b argument but the message persists.

Do you have any suggestions on how to proceed.

Best regards

Christos Theodosiou
Scientific Computational Center
Aristotle University
54 124 Thessaloniki, Greece
Tel: +30 2310 99 8988
Fax: +30 2310 99 4309

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