[lustre-discuss] resolution of LU-4397 [Permanently disabled OST causes clients to hang on df (statfs)]
Murshid Azman
murshid.azman at gmail.com
Tue Aug 23 19:45:24 PDT 2016
We've been doing writeconf as a workaround for this. We're running 2.5.3
Hope this helps.
On Aug 24, 2016 2:06 AM, "Jessica Otey" <jotey at nrao.edu> wrote:
> All,
> This is a bit of a complex scenario but I am hoping that someone out there
> can provide some relevant experience.
> We have a production lustre system whose servers we have just recently
> upgraded from 1.8.9 to 2.4.3.
> In testing a few clients (before upgrading them all), we encountered this
> (known) bug:
> https://jira.hpdd.intel.com/browse/LU-4397
> This bug was actually discovered by one of my NRAO colleagues, Wolfgang,
> who works in Green Bank, WV (whereas I work in Charlottesville, VA).
> There are two things with which I would appreciate the list's help:
> 1) Identifying a version where this bug is FOR SURE fixed. If you read the
> ticket, it appears that the change was landed for 2.5.2 and 2.6, but that
> users have reported the bug existing (still?/again?) in 2.5.3. We
> absolutely need upgrade beyond 2.4.3, but it would be nice to know how far
> we need to go in order to have functional clients, ideally out of the box.
> (In addition to the df command, we have critical software that uses statfs).
> 2) Identifying another person who has experienced this bug IN A LEGACY
> ENVIRONMENT, i.e., in a system that started a 1.8.x, in which OSTs were
> made permanently inactive, and then the system upgraded to 2.5.3. In this
> case, I'd be curious as to whether the workaround described in the ticket
> by Wolfgang (who used it on 2.5.3) works for you, too. (It DOES NOT work
> for us on 2.4.3.) At least this way, if the bug still exists in 2.5.3,
> we'll be more confident that we can use the workaround successfully.
> Thanks for your time,
> Jessica
> --
> Jessica Otey
> System Administrator II
> North American ALMA Science Center (NAASC)
> National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO)
> Charlottesville, Virginia (USA)
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