[lustre-discuss] MDS Config Help: Are the lustre modules loaded?
Patrick Farrell
paf at cray.com
Wed Jun 22 11:51:00 PDT 2016
The kernel version is found with uname -r or cat /proc/version.
That needs to match the kernel version in the Lustre RPMs. (The version
string is the 2.6.32-573.12.1.el6_lustre) part.
In fact, it looks like you've got Lustre server RPMs, given the _lustre
in the name of the kernel. That means you need to install the
associated kernel.
- Patrick
On 06/22/2016 01:43 PM, Sangeetha Banavathi Srinivasa wrote:
> Patrick,
> The CentOS version on the machines is 6.8
> [lustre at hulk2 ~]$ cat /etc/redhat-release
> CentOS release 6.8 (Final)
> The kernel version that I have installed is what I found along with
> the lustre RPMs
> [lustre at amaranth3 ~]$ uname -r
> 2.6.32-573.12.1.el6_lustre.x86_64
> And I am trying to install lustre 2.8.
> Should the CentOS release version be 2.7??
>> On Jun 22, 2016, at 2:17 PM, Patrick Farrell <paf at cray.com
>> <mailto:paf at cray.com>> wrote:
>> Well, it says to check dmesg... Though that will just list the
>> symbols. In general, this usually means you've got a mismatch
>> between the version of the kernel (or OFED) Lustre is built against
>> and your version of either the kernel or OFED. Given the number and
>> locations of the mismatches, I'm guessing it's the kernel.
>> So, compare your kernel version and your Lustre RPMs.
>> Regards,
>> - Patrick
>> On 06/22/2016 12:47 PM, Sangeetha Banavathi Srinivasa wrote:
>>> When I try modprobe lustre, I see the below errors:
>>> [*05:44:03*] *root at hulk2**lustre #*modprobe lustre
>>> WARNING: Error inserting obdclass
>>> (/lib/modules/2.6.32-573.12.1.el6_lustre.x86_64/extra/kernel/fs/lustre/obdclass.ko):
>>> Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
>>> WARNING: Error inserting ptlrpc
>>> (/lib/modules/2.6.32-573.12.1.el6_lustre.x86_64/extra/kernel/fs/lustre/ptlrpc.ko):
>>> Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
>>> WARNING: Error inserting fld
>>> (/lib/modules/2.6.32-573.12.1.el6_lustre.x86_64/extra/kernel/fs/lustre/fld.ko):
>>> Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
>>> WARNING: Error inserting lmv
>>> (/lib/modules/2.6.32-573.12.1.el6_lustre.x86_64/extra/kernel/fs/lustre/lmv.ko):
>>> Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
>>> WARNING: Error inserting fid
>>> (/lib/modules/2.6.32-573.12.1.el6_lustre.x86_64/extra/kernel/fs/lustre/fid.ko):
>>> Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
>>> WARNING: Error inserting mdc
>>> (/lib/modules/2.6.32-573.12.1.el6_lustre.x86_64/extra/kernel/fs/lustre/mdc.ko):
>>> Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
>>> WARNING: Error inserting lov
>>> (/lib/modules/2.6.32-573.12.1.el6_lustre.x86_64/extra/kernel/fs/lustre/lov.ko):
>>> Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
>>> FATAL: Error inserting lustre
>>> (/lib/modules/2.6.32-573.12.1.el6_lustre.x86_64/extra/kernel/fs/lustre/lustre.ko):
>>> Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
>>>> On Jun 22, 2016, at 1:44 PM, Sangeetha Banavathi Srinivasa
>>>> <bsangee at vt.edu <mailto:bsangee at vt.edu>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Below are the steps I executed in configuring MDS.
>>>> 1. mkfs.lustre --fsname lustre --mdt --mgs /dev/vg00/mdt
>>>> 2. mkdir /mdt
>>>> 3. mount -t lustre /dev/vg00/mdt /mdt
>>>> I see the below error after step 3:
>>>> mount.lustre: mount /dev/mapper/vg00-mdt1 at /mdt failed: No such
>>>> device
>>>> Are the lustre modules loaded?
>>>> Check /etc/modprobe.conf and /proc/filesystems
>>>> [root at amaranth3 lustre]#
>>>> I tried modprobe lustre and retried mounting but it resulted in the
>>>> same error. Any help will be appreciated.
>>>> For your info, the lustre modules that I have installed are:
>>>> [root at amaranth3 lustre]# rpm -qa |grep lustre
>>>> lustre-osd-ldiskfs-mount-2.8.0-2.6.32_573.12.1.el6_lustre.x86_64.x86_64
>>>> lustre-tests-2.8.0-2.6.32_573.12.1.el6_lustre.x86_64.x86_64
>>>> lustre-modules-2.8.0-2.6.32_573.12.1.el6_lustre.x86_64.x86_64
>>>> lustre-osd-ldiskfs-2.8.0-2.6.32_573.12.1.el6_lustre.x86_64.x86_64
>>>> lustre-iokit-2.8.0-2.6.32_573.12.1.el6_lustre.x86_64.x86_64
>>>> kernel-2.6.32-573.12.1.el6_lustre.x86_64
>>>> lustre-2.8.0-2.6.32_573.12.1.el6_lustre.x86_64.x86_64
>>>> [root at amaranth3 lustre]# rpm -qa |grep e2fs
>>>> e2fsprogs-libs-1.42.13.wc5-7.el6.x86_64
>>>> e2fsprogs-1.42.13.wc5-7.el6.x86_64
>>>> [root at amaranth3 lustre]# rpm -qa |grep libss
>>>> libss-1.42.13.wc5-7.el6.x86_64
>>>> root at amaranth3 lustre]# rpm -qa |grep libcom
>>>> libcom_err-1.42.13.wc5-7.el6.x86_64
>>>> [root at amaranth3 lustre]# uname -a
>>>> Linux amaranth3 2.6.32-573.12.1.el6_lustre.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Feb 23
>>>> 22:41:09 PST 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
>>>> [root at amaranth3 lustre]#
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Sangeetha
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