[lustre-discuss] question about /proc/fs/lustre/mds/MDS/mdt/stats

Dilger, Andreas andreas.dilger at intel.com
Fri Sep 16 14:54:30 PDT 2016

"samples" is the number of times this event was measured, and it happens that these request stats are all measured together.  The values to the right of the units are min/max/sum/[sumsq] in units of microseconds, or seconds, or requests.  To work out the average request waittime is:

       (sum / samples) = 1257652419050 / 611801704 = 2055usec

Cheers, Andreas
Andreas Dilger

Lustre Principal Architect
Intel High Performance Data Division

On 2016/09/16, 10:45, "Mahmoud Hanafi" <mahmoud.hanafi at nasa.gov> wrote:

    Why is 'samples' the same for req_waittime, req_qepth, req_active, 
    req_timeout all the same.
    req_waittime              611801704 samples [usec] 3 5061774 
    1257652419050 953071357361477866
    req_qdepth                611801704 samples [reqs] 0 89 21110263 22332201
    req_active                611801704 samples [reqs] 1 127 2647563677 
    req_timeout               611801704 samples [sec] 150 150 91770255600 
    reqbuf_avail              1256133286 samples [bufs] 481 574 705260598158 
    shouldn't the samples for [usec] be total usec similar to units of 
    [bytes]. For example:
    cat /proc/fs/lustre/obdfilter/nbp8-OST00d1/stats
    snapshot_time             1474043858.153583 secs.usecs
    read_bytes                21704638 samples [bytes] 4096 1048576 
    write_bytes               25971348 samples [bytes] 1 1048576 19719890405713
    Samples here is total bytes transferred correct?
    Mahmoud Hanafi
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