[lustre-discuss] lfs_migrate transfer question
Jérôme BECOT
jerome.becot at inserm.fr
Mon Sep 26 06:00:09 PDT 2016
As we had a inode usage issue, we did as Andreas advised :
- add a new ost with much more inodes
- disable the first ost
- use lfs_migrate to move files to the new ost
We have about 16M files on this OST (7.5TB). Our OSS are connected via
10Gbps Ethernet, though the lfs_migrate command has been launched on a
1Gbps connected client.
It's running for 5 days and is at about 50% now. It's pretty slow.
Since the command has been launched on a client, does the data transit
through it ? Is there any way to improve performances ? (we will have to
move data from the 2nd ost back once the first one will get more inodes,
then reformat it, then rebalance)
Thank you
Jérome BECOT
Administrateur Systèmes et Réseaux
Molécules à visée Thérapeutique par des approches in Silico (MTi)
Univ Paris Diderot, UMRS973 Inserm
Case 013
Bât. Lamarck A, porte 412
35, rue Hélène Brion 75205 Paris Cedex 13
Tel : 01 57 27 83 82
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