[lustre-discuss] Lustre rpm install creating a file that breaks lustre
Kurt Strosahl
strosahl at jlab.org
Wed Oct 2 11:30:09 PDT 2019
Good Afternoon,
While getting lustre 2.10.8 running on a RHEL 7.7 system I found that the RPM install was putting a file in /etc/modprobe.d that was preventing lnet from starting properly.
the file is ko2iblnd.conf, which contains the following...
alias ko2iblnd-opa ko2iblnd
options ko2iblnd-opa peer_credits=128 peer_credits_hiw=64 credits=1024 concurrent_sends=256 ntx=2048 map_on_demand=32 fmr_pool_size=2048 fmr_flush_trigger=512 fmr_cache=1 conns_per_peer=4
install ko2iblnd /usr/sbin/ko2iblnd-probe
Our system is running infiniband, not omnipath. So I'm mot sure why this file is being put in place. Removing the file allows lnet to start properly.
Kurt J. Strosahl
System Administrator: Lustre, HPC
Scientific Computing Group, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
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