[lustre-discuss] Building RPMs for 2.5.3 on CentOS-7.2

Jon Tegner tegner at foi.se
Sun Jun 5 08:01:25 PDT 2016

Thanks a lot!

Did found the "--disable-server" and that seemed to work (sort of), 
however, had other issues when building the (client) rpms.

Do you have any general advice considering that we want CentOS-7.2 on 
the clients? We have happily been using 2.5.3 for quite some time now 
(6.5 on both servers and clients), and we would like to see similar 
stability on our updated system (that is, with 7.2 on the clients). What 
would be my best/safest bet under these circumstances?

I actually tried a client on 2.8.0 using our old servers (6.5/2.5.3) - 
and initial (very limited) tests seemed to indicate that this was OK. Is 
this something one should generally stay away from? Or would it be 
better to use 2.8.0 on the servers also, if that is what is used on the 

Thanks again,

On 06/05/2016 03:26 PM, Patrick Farrell wrote:
> Do you need the server code?  If not, you can do --disable-server (I think) and skip the kernel patching steps.  If no, you're out of luck - the public 2.5 code is not going to build against 7.2.
> In fact, you may have some issues even just building the client.  But those may be surmountable, I'd say the server issues are not.

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