[lustre-discuss] Running IBM Power boxes as OSSs?
Atchley, Scott
atchleyes at ornl.gov
Tue Sep 12 08:10:08 PDT 2017
ORNL has also been working to improve the ARM client code.
> On Sep 1, 2017, at 8:48 AM, Jones, Peter A <peter.a.jones at intel.com> wrote:
> Daniel
> We only routinely build/test with power clients but that’s because of prioritizing limited testing resources towards what our customers were using rather than avoiding known pitfalls. I do think that there are sites which also have power servers but I’ll let them speak up themselves rather than give you misinformation.
> As for the hurdles of working on non-x86, there have been people in the Lustre community working on SPARC and ARM in recent times so they might be able to comment and I see that there is due to be a talk on Lustre on ARM servers at the upcoming LAD conference - https://www.eofs.eu/events/lad17 - which could provide some insights when it has been published
> If you do decide to investigate further then please do report back to the list about how you fare
> Peter
> On 9/1/17, 3:24 AM, "lustre-discuss on behalf of Daniel Kidger" <lustre-discuss-bounces at lists.lustre.org on behalf of daniel.kidger at uk.ibm.com> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> This is my first posting to the list.
>> I have worked off an on with Lustre since a helping set up a demo at SC02 in Baltimore.
>> A long time has passed and I now find myself at IBM.
>> The question I have today is:
>> Are any sites running with IBM POWER hardware for their Lustre servers i.e. MDS and OSSs?
>> The only references I find are very old, certainly long before the availability of little-endian RedHat.
>> And if not, what are likely to be the pain points and hurdles in building and running Lustre on non-x86 platforms like POWER?
>> Daniel
>> Daniel Kidger
>> IBM Systems, UK
>> daniel.kidger at uk.ibm.com
>> +44 (0)7818 522266
>> Unless stated otherwise above:
>> IBM United Kingdom Limited - Registered in England and Wales with number 741598.
>> Registered office: PO Box 41, North Harbour, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 3AU
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